Thursday, October 20, 2011

Icon of Style - Adrien Brody

This week's Icon of Style is for a friend of ours who loves Adrien Brody and thinks he is as stylish as they come and we tend to agree. Not to say he hasn't had his share of misses but open sailor shirts and all-leather suits aside, Mr. Brody has a suave way about him that can be best seen through his recognizable style. His choices are always unique and a bit odd but he pulls it all off with an ease that is both sexy and quirky much like the characters he portrays in his many movies. As a spokesman for Ermenegildo Zegna its no surprise he is seen quite often in well fitting suits, often three pieces. In more casual attire, he often favours a fedora, loosely buttoned shirts and a patterned neck kerchief which is hard to carry off but he manages it with his usual charm. Scruffy and a bit mad-cap but completely an individual and that is always stylish.

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