Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Elements of F*cking Style

We need to face facts as a society...Facebook and Twitter and their ilk are turning us into a bunch of illiterate fools with no understanding or use for correct grammar. That is to say that the powers that be at the social media hubs have engineered it so that not only is articulating yourself in writing correctly not necessary, it is actually frowned upon. We are of the opinion, whether tweeting, texting or updating your should always have time to write clearly, concisely and in turn, use proper grammar and punctuation. It is the glue that holds the literate mind's thoughts together, and should really be encouraged at every turn. However...grammar is hardly a sexy subject, and aside from our lessons in grade school, many of us have forgotten everything we've learned with respect to proper sentence structure. The writers behind "The Elements of F*cking Style" recognize both the need to educate us, but to dress up the subject enough as to entertain us while we learn. With chapters like "Use strong, definite language in your writing, make that sentence your bitch, Words you're bound to fuck up" and "Does not using paragraphs or periods make my thesis read like it was written by a mental patient," we're certain that the authors have managed to put some juice into an otherwise enormously boring subject. Available as book sellers everywhere. More info available here.

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